Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Return of the Mack

Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for years.....

Okay well not really. Obviously I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Not here anyways. Like my friend James Todd Smith who provided the quote above, I have been venturing out into different things. As I type, I am sitting in my graduate information management class and the glorious institution known as Cal State San Bernardino. Yes kids, I have returned to the realm of academia, kicking and screaming the entire way. Why did I choose to return to the place of my undergraduate studies? The school that took my money and gave me little in return other than the piece of paper signed by the now dethroned Grey Davis. Well that is a little big of an overstatement, I did enjoy the social interactions of college, just felt like I missed out. Oh well water under the bridge I guess.

So what is new you might ask? Well found me a girlfriend. Met her surprisingly enough at CSUSB back when we were undergrads, but really started talking to her recently on Myspace, and we have been dating since the Fourth of July.

Work sucks. I recently interviewed at the University of Redlands for a systems manager, and keep hoping to hear the good news, but it has been a week, they were in a hurry to hire someone, so my hopes are waining. Although there was a holiday mixed into the equation.

Well I have dusted off this blog for my class. We have to make a website, and one part of that is a blog. So tada! Here is my entry for that. But in rereading my posts from the days of yore, makes me realize that I really had fun writing the previous posts, so expect to see more of it. Maybe I will mix in a bit of Best Buy gossip, since that is where the ole lady grabs a paycheck, and I spend most of mine! Until next time folks, I bid you well.

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