Thursday, August 19, 2004

Bear holds his liquor

I wonder if i partied with this bear in my college days.....
Bear gets shit faced

They should teach him keg stands

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Take that Lazy Monkey

Hmm, a cure to a certain monkey problem I have around my office..... - Gene�blocking turns monkeys into workaholics - Aug 11, 2004

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

That's no moon.....

What the Fuck!!!!!! - Man trying to lose 800 pounds - Aug 11, 2004
Look Jabba, even I get boarded some times.
okay so maybe i should be a bit more sympathetic to the immense, being that i am a fat ass myself (but under 275). But i mean damn, 1000 lbs? You have to want to be that big, i dont care what anyone says. At some point, probably where u cant even get out of bed, you might realize its time to stop shoveling in the chocolate and sour cream covered steaks into your pie hole! "He has battled heart failure, thyroid problems, diabetes, pulmonary hypertension and arthritis" oh yeah? what about gravity? My Goodness!!!