Friday, July 30, 2004

Bad Movie I Love, the guilty pleasure

Armageddon. It's a bad movie, not even closed to realistic, full of bad overacting, and plot holes galore. But there is something about it that I can just watch it over and over again. I just don't know what it is about it. I even get a bit misty at the end, when Harry stays behind to blow the nuke, and has the touching little goodbye scene with Grace. Then they land, happy reunions, they roil the credits, and A.J. and Grace are getting married, with the picture of Harry watching over them... very emotional. By all formulas that I have to determine if a movie is bad or not, Armageddon should be unwatchable. Who knows, maybe its the little kid in me who wants to go save the world and be a hero.

Monday, July 26, 2004

No, I don't want to know, Alanis.....

Over the weekend, or maybe even last week, I was watching VH-1's I Love the 90s.  Well I didn't see the whole story, but I saw enough to send me looking upon the internet for clarification. Today at work, I took use of the ample data access I have at the office, and doing anything but working, I put aside the game of freecell to pursue an answer. And while not a definitive answer, it was good enough for me.  So you must be asking, what was it that sent me searching the internet for an answer?  They said that Alanis Morrisette’s most famous song “You Oughta Know” was written about that dorky guy Joey from Full House. HUH???
            Now not that I am some huge Alanis fan, but I have really enjoyed that song throughout the years,  and how can you not like a song where the woman admits going down on people in movie theaters? (well maybe she wouldn’t and the new girlfriend will, but still, its mentioned in the song, good enough for me).  So now the song is ruined for me. I listened to it today a few times, hoping that I could still enjoy it, but alas, the thrill is gone. Now I just sit there, shake my head, and think how stupid it is, that she’s going down on Joey from Full house… probably with Bob Saget and the Olson twins in the back row

Monday, July 05, 2004

The Demise of Society and the Jerry Springer Show!

Laying in bed on Monday with my girlfriend, who held the remote, she flipped on the Jerry Springer Show.  Over the years, the show has gotten worse and worse.  Just as I thought it couldn’t get much worse, there was this morning’s episode.  It was about people that had been seduced.  To reset: There were 2 girls and one guy. The two girls were waitresses at Hooters.  One was semi attractive, the other one… wasn’t (they must have been from the Hooters in Ontario CA).  So the guy, who had been with the semi attractive one for 7 months, in love, yadda yadda yadda.  Well he was having sexual relations with the ugly skank one.  Girlfriend finds out, causes drama, boyfriend cries on TV about how sorry he was and it was a mistake, and the ugly skank was evil and he gave in to temptation.  As retribution, girlfriend makes boyfriend eat bull testicles to prove his love, to make things right. So homie chokes down the bull balls, and as he is done, girlfriend dumps him anyways.  Now we all know this show is fake, that these are staged, and it was probably some meatball he actually ate.

What came to mind was how much worse could this show get?  The low point I thought were the shows were the transsexual girlfriend sleeps with the unknowing boyfriend’s mother, while Dad sits in the closet masturbating.  Well apparently I was wrong.  So now I am waiting for the next incarnation of terrible Jerry Springer show, a reenactment of the Roman times of throwing Christians to the Lions, however this time, The Jerry Springer show will be the Romans, the Christians will be 13 year old girls, and the Lions, well that will be Roman Polanski.  Or if he is unavailable, they can get Michael Jackson. 

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Trainspotting Character

I only post this, because I dig the movie. Oh and my friend Ryan calls me Begbie....

Which Trainspotting Character Are You?